Helpful Resources for Your Practice

RITUXAN Access Solutions offers a range of access and reimbursement resources for your patients and practice after RITUXAN is prescribed, including help with benefits investigations (BIs), resources for prior authorizations (PAs), sample billing and coding information, resources for denials and appeals, information about distribution and referrals to potential financial assistance options.

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Get help understanding insurance benefits and coverage, such as with benefits investigations and prior authorization resources.

Benefits investigations

RITUXAN Access Solutions can conduct a benefits investigation (BI) which can determine:

  • If treatment is covered
  • If treatment is denied
  • If a prior authorization or pre-determination is required*
  • If your patient's insurance plan has a mandated or preferred SP

*If your patient’s request for a prior authorization is not granted, your RITUXAN Access Solutions Specialist can work with you to determine your next steps.

Option 1: Submit forms online

If your practice has a registered account for My Patient Solutions, you can get started by logging into your account.

Don't have an account?

Your patient is required to complete the Patient Consent Form. You can either upload their Patient Consent Form as part of your application or have your patient submit the form via fax, text or e-submit.

  • An online tool to help you enroll patients in RITUXAN Access Solutions and manage your service requests at your convenience.

Option 2: Print forms and fax or text

Step 1: Print one of the Patient Consent Forms below for your patient to complete.

Step 2: Print and complete the Prescriber Service Form below.

Step 3: Submit the completed forms via fax or text.

Both forms are required. We must have both the Patient Consent Form and the Prescriber Service Form before we can help you.

What to expect next:

  • The request will be processed within five business days upon receipt of both required forms.
  • Your office will be contacted to discuss the application outcome and any next steps.

Genentech reserves the right to modify or discontinue the program at any time and to verify the accuracy of information submitted.

The completion and submission of coverage- or reimbursement-related documentation are the responsibility of the patient and healthcare provider. Genentech makes no representation or guarantee concerning coverage or reimbursement for any service or item.


Sample coding information and resources for denials and appeals

RITUXAN Sample Coding

This coding information may assist you as you complete the payer forms for RITUXAN. These tables are provided for informational purposes only. Please visit or other payers’ websites to obtain additional guidance on their processes related to billing and coding.

Download sample coding and the important safety information for RITUXAN below.

Correct coding is the responsibility of the provider submitting the claim for the item or service. Please check with the payer to verify codes and special billing requirements. Genentech does not make any representation or guarantee concerning reimbursement or coverage for any service or item.


If your patient’s health insurance plan has issued a denial, your RITUXAN Access Solutions Specialist can provide resources as you prepare an appeal submission, as per your patient’s plan requirements. 

If a plan issues a denial: 

  1. The denial should be reviewed, along with the health insurance plan’s guidelines to determine what to include in your patient’s appeal submission.
  2. Your RITUXAN Access Solutions Specialist has local payer coverage expertise and can help you determine specific requirements for your patient.

A sample appeal letter and additional considerations are available on the Practice Forms and Documents page.

Appeals cannot be completed or submitted by Genentech on your behalf.

Online patient enrollment

Submit RITUXAN Access Solutions forms and check the status of your service requests online using My Patient Solutions

My Patient Solutions is an online tool to help you enroll patients in RITUXAN Access Solutions and manage your service requests, all through one portal. It allows you the flexibility to work with RITUXAN Access Solutions when it’s convenient for you.

With My Patient Solutions, you can:

  • Enroll and re-enroll patients in financial assistance programs entirely online
  • Communicate with your RITUXAN Access Solutions Specialist
  • Easily identify next steps for service requests
  • View Benefits Investigation reports for all your enrolled patients
  • Follow up on prior authorizations or appeals
  • View co-pay assistance outcomes and referral information

How to register

Account registration can be completed by one person for the entire practice and for multiple practice locations. For help with registration or if you have questions, call us at 877-GENENTECH (877-436-3683) (6AM-5PM PST, Monday through Friday).

RITUXAN Distribution

Genentech has contracted with a network of authorized specialty distributors and specialty pharmacies (SPs) to service practices choosing to prescribe RITUXAN. 

These partners have made a commitment to product integrity and have agreed to distribute only products purchased directly from Genentech and not to distribute RITUXAN through secondary channels.

Authorized Distributors and Specialty Pharmacies

For a full list of authorized distributors and in-network specialty pharmacies, please visit the Genentech Access Solutions website or contact RITUXAN Access Solutions at 888-249-4918.

About Buy and Bill

With Buy and Bill, the practice purchases the medication in advance, then bills the patient's health insurance plan for reimbursement. The practice is responsible for storing and handling the drug as well as collecting the patient's co-pay for both the drug and its administration. With Buy and Bill, practices can maintain a stock of the drug, giving them the flexibility to treat patients when clinically appropriate.

About Specialty Pharmacies

RITUXAN Access Solutions works with specialty pharmacies (SPs) to help patients receive their prescribed Genentech medicines.

In addition to distributing medicines, an SP may provide the following services:

  • Reimbursement resources
  • Clinical services to support patients throughout their treatment
  • The ability to manage the specialty handling and shipping needs linked with many specialty therapies

You can work with your preferred SP or contact RITUXAN Access Solutions to learn which SP the patient’s health insurance plan mandates or prefers.

Genentech does not influence or advocate the use of any one specialty distributor or specialty pharmacy. We make no representation or guarantee of service or coverage of any item. For any product-specific distribution questions, call RITUXAN Access Solutions at 888-249-4918 (6AM-5PM PST, Monday through Friday).

Product issues

We are serious about patient safety. If your Genentech product is spoiled, expired or damaged, we may be able to help you replace it.

Please contact Genentech Customer Service at (800) 551-2231 for any order or return-related questions.

Contact Us

Questions? Contact RITUXAN Access Solutions

Call 888-249-4918 (Mon.–Fri., 6AM–5PM PST)

Financial support

Financial Support

Find the right financial resources option for your patients.



RITUXAN® (rituximab) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with:

  • Relapsed or refractory, low-grade or follicular, CD20-positive, B-cell NHL as a single agent
  • Previously untreated follicular, CD20-positive, B-cell NHL in combination with first line  
    chemotherapy and, in patients achieving a complete or partial response to a rituximab product in combination with chemotherapy, as single-agent maintenance therapy
  • Non-progressing (including stable disease), low-grade, CD20-positive, B-cell NHL, as a single agent, after first-line CVP chemotherapy
  • Previously untreated diffuse large B-cell, CD20-positive NHL in combination with CHOP or other anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimens
  • Previously untreated and previously treated CD20-positive CLL in combination with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC)



  • Infusion-related reactions: RITUXAN administration can result in serious, including fatal infusion-related reactions. Deaths within 24 hours of RITUXAN infusion have occurred. Approximately 80% of fatal infusion-related reactions occurred in association with the first infusion. Monitor patients closely. Discontinue RITUXAN infusion for severe reactions and provide medical treatment for Grade 3 or 4 infusion-related reactions
  • Severe Mucocutaneous Reactions: Severe, including fatal, mucocutaneous reactions can occur in patients receiving RITUXAN
  • Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Reactivation: HBV reactivation can occur in patients treated with RITUXAN, in some cases resulting in fulminant hepatitis, hepatic failure, and death. Screen all patients for HBV infection before treatment initiation, and monitor patients during and after treatment with RITUXAN. Discontinue RITUXAN and concomitant medications in the event of HBV reactivation
  • Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML), including fatal PML, can occur in patients receiving RITUXAN

Warnings and Precautions

Infusion-related Reactions

  • RITUXAN can cause severe, including fatal, infusion-related reactions. Severe reactions typically occurred during the first infusion with time to onset of 30-120 minutes
  • RITUXAN-induced infusion-related reactions and sequelae include urticaria, hypotension, angioedema, hypoxia, bronchospasm, pulmonary infiltrates, acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocardial infarction, ventricular fibrillation, cardiogenic shock, anaphylactoid events, or death
  • Premedicate patients with an antihistamine and acetaminophen prior to dosing. Institute medical management (e.g. glucocorticoids, epinephrine, bronchodilators, or oxygen) for infusion-related reactions as needed. Depending on the severity of the infusion reaction and the required interventions, temporarily or permanently discontinue RITUXAN. Resume infusion at a minimum 50% reduction in rate after symptoms have resolved
  • Closely monitor the following patients: those with pre-existing cardiac or pulmonary conditions, those who experienced prior cardiopulmonary adverse reactions, and those with high numbers of circulating malignant cells (≥25,000/mm3)

Severe Mucocutaneous Reactions

  • Mucocutaneous reactions, some with fatal outcome, can occur in patients treated with RITUXAN. These reactions include paraneoplastic pemphigus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, lichenoid dermatitis, vesiculobullous dermatitis, and toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • The onset of these reactions has been variable and includes reports with onset on the first day of RITUXAN exposure. Discontinue RITUXAN in patients who experience a severe mucocutaneous reaction. The safety of readministration of RITUXAN to patients with severe mucocutaneous reactions has not been determined

Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation

  • Hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation, in some cases resulting in fulminant hepatitis, hepatic failure and death, can occur in patients treated with drugs classified as CD20-directed cytolytic antibodies, including RITUXAN. Cases have been reported in patients who are hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive and also in patients who are HBsAg negative but are hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) positive. Reactivation also has occurred in patients who appear to have resolved hepatitis B infection (i.e., HBsAg negative, anti-HBc positive and hepatitis B surface antibody [anti-HBs] positive)
  • HBV reactivation is defined as an abrupt increase in HBV replication manifesting as a rapid increase in serum HBV DNA level or detection of HBsAg in a person who was previously HBsAg negative and anti-HBc positive. Reactivation of HBV replication is often followed by hepatitis, i.e., increase in transaminase levels. In severe cases increase in bilirubin levels, liver failure, and death can occur
  • Screen all patients for HBV infection by measuring HBsAg and anti-HBc before initiating treatment with RITUXAN. For patients who show evidence of prior hepatitis B infection (HBsAg positive [regardless of antibody status] or HBsAg negative but anti-HBc positive), consult with physicians with expertise in managing hepatitis B regarding monitoring and consideration for HBV antiviral therapy before and/or during RITUXAN treatment
  • Monitor patients with evidence of current or prior HBV infection for clinical and laboratory signs of hepatitis or HBV reactivation during and for several months following RITUXAN therapy. HBV reactivation has been reported up to 24 months following completion of RITUXAN therapy
  • In patients who develop reactivation of HBV while on RITUXAN, immediately discontinue RITUXAN and any concomitant chemotherapy, and institute appropriate treatment. Insufficient data exist regarding the safety of resuming RITUXAN treatment in patients who develop HBV reactivation. Resumption of RITUXAN treatment in patients whose HBV reactivation resolves should be discussed with physicians with expertise in managing hepatitis B

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy

  • JC virus infection resulting in PML and death can occur in RITUXAN-treated patients with hematologic malignancies or with autoimmune diseases. The majority of patients with hematologic malignancies diagnosed with PML received RITUXAN in combination with chemotherapy or as part of a hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Most cases of PML were diagnosed within 12 months of their last infusion of RITUXAN
  • Consider the diagnosis of PML in any patient presenting with new-onset neurologic manifestations. Evaluation of PML includes, but is not limited to, consultation with a neurologist, brain MRI, and lumbar puncture. Discontinue RITUXAN and consider discontinuation or reduction of any concomitant chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy in patients who develop PML

Tumor Lysis Syndrome

  • Acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperuricemia, or hyperphosphatemia from tumor lysis, some fatal, can occur within 12−24 hours after the first infusion of RITUXAN in patients with NHL. A high number of circulating malignant cells (≥25,000/mm3) or high tumor burden, confers a greater risk of TLS
  • Administer aggressive intravenous hydration and anti-hyperuricemic therapy in patients at high risk for TLS. Correct electrolyte abnormalities, monitor renal function and fluid balance, and administer supportive care, including dialysis as indicated


  • Serious, including fatal, bacterial, fungal, and new or reactivated viral infections can occur during and following the completion of RITUXAN-based therapy. Infections have been reported in some patients with prolonged hypogammaglobulinemia (defined as hypogammaglobulinemia >11 months after rituximab exposure)
  • New or reactivated viral infections included cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, parvovirus B19, varicella zoster virus, West Nile virus, and hepatitis B and C. Discontinue RITUXAN for serious infections and institute appropriate anti-infective therapy
  • RITUXAN is not recommended for use in patients with severe, active infections

Cardiovascular Adverse Reactions

  • Cardiac adverse reactions, including ventricular fibrillation, myocardial infarction, and cardiogenic shock may occur in patients receiving RITUXAN. Discontinue infusions for serious or life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Perform cardiac monitoring during and after all infusions of RITUXAN for patients who develop clinically significant arrhythmias, or who have a history of arrhythmia or angina

Renal Toxicity

  • Severe, including fatal, renal toxicity can occur after RITUXAN administration in patients with NHL. Renal toxicity has occurred in patients who experience tumor lysis syndrome and in patients with NHL administered concomitant cisplatin therapy during clinical trials. The combination of cisplatin and RITUXAN is not an approved treatment regimen. Monitor closely for signs of renal failure and discontinue RITUXAN in patients with a rising serum creatinine or oliguria

Bowel Obstruction and Perforation

  • Abdominal pain, bowel obstruction and perforation, in some cases leading to death, can occur in patients receiving RITUXAN in combination with chemotherapy. In postmarketing reports, the mean time to documented gastrointestinal perforation was 6 (range 1−77) days in patients with NHL. Evaluate if symptoms of obstruction such as abdominal pain or repeated vomiting occur


  • The safety of immunization with live viral vaccines following RITUXAN therapy has not been studied and vaccination with live virus vaccines is not recommended before or during treatment
  • For patients treated with RITUXAN, physicians should review the patient’s vaccination status and patients should, if possible, be brought up to date with all immunizations in agreement with current immunization guidelines prior to initiating RITUXAN and administer non-live vaccines at least 4 weeks prior to a course of RITUXAN

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity

  • Based on human data, RITUXAN can cause fetal harm due to B-cell lymphocytopenia in infants exposed to rituximab in-utero. Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception while receiving RITUXAN and for 12 months after the last dose

Additional Important Safety Information

  • The most common Grade 3 or 4 adverse reactions in clinical trials of NHL and CLL were infusion-related reactions, neutropenia, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and infections. Additionally, lymphopenia and lung disorder were seen in NHL trials; and febrile neutropenia, pancytopenia, hypotension, and hepatitis B were seen in CLL trials
  • The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥25%) in clinical trials of NHL and CLL were infusion-related reactions. Additionally, fever, lymphopenia, chills, infection, and asthenia were seen in NHL trials; and neutropenia was seen in CLL trials
  • Pregnancy and Nursing Mothers: Based on human data, RITUXAN can cause adverse developmental outcomes including B-cell lymphocytopenia in infants exposed to RITUXAN in-utero. Advise pregnant women of the risk to a fetus. There are no data on the presence of rituximab in human milk, the effect on the breastfed child, or the effect on milk production. Since many drugs including antibodies are present in human milk, advise a lactating woman not to breastfeed during treatment and for 6 months after the last dose of RITUXAN due to the potential for serious adverse reactions in breastfed children

For additional safety information, please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNINGS and Medication Guide.

Attention Healthcare Provider: Provide Medication Guide to patient prior to RITUXAN infusion.

You may report side effects to the FDA at 800-FDA-1088 or You may also report side effects to Genentech at 888-835-2555.

    • RITUXAN® (rituximab) full Prescribing Information, Genentech, Inc., 2021.

      RITUXAN® (rituximab) full Prescribing Information, Genentech, Inc., 2021.

    • Data on file, Genentech, Inc.

      Data on file, Genentech, Inc.

    • McLaughlin P, Grillo-López AJ, Link BK, et al. Rituximab chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy for relapsed indolent lymphoma: half of patients respond to a four-dose treatment program. J Clin Oncol. 1998;16:2825-2833.

      McLaughlin P, Grillo-López AJ, Link BK, et al. Rituximab chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy for relapsed indolent lymphoma: half of patients respond to a four-dose treatment program. J Clin Oncol. 1998;16:2825-2833.

    • Berinstein NL, Grillo-López AJ, White CA, et al. Association of serum rituximab (IDEC-C2B8) concentration and anti-tumor response in the treatment of recurrent low-grade or follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann Oncol. 1998;9:995-1001.

      Berinstein NL, Grillo-López AJ, White CA, et al. Association of serum rituximab (IDEC-C2B8) concentration and anti-tumor response in the treatment of recurrent low-grade or follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann Oncol. 1998;9:995-1001.

    • Salles G, Seymour JF, Offner F, et al. Rituximab maintenance for 2 years in patients with high tumour burden follicular lymphoma responding to rituximab plus chemotherapy (PRIMA): a phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet.2011;377:42-51.

      Salles G, Seymour JF, Offner F, et al. Rituximab maintenance for 2 years in patients with high tumour burden follicular lymphoma responding to rituximab plus chemotherapy (PRIMA): a phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet.2011;377:42-51.

    • Hochster H, Weller E, Gascoyne RD, et al. Maintenance rituximab after cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone prolongs progression-free survival in advanced indolent lymphoma: results of the randomized phase III ECOG 1496 study. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:1607-1614.

      Hochster H, Weller E, Gascoyne RD, et al. Maintenance rituximab after cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone prolongs progression-free survival in advanced indolent lymphoma: results of the randomized phase III ECOG 1496 study. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:1607-1614.

    • Dakhil S, Hermann R, Schreeder MT, et al. Phase III safety study of rituximab administered as a 90-minute infusion in patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell and follicular lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2014;55(10):2335-2340. doi:10.3109/10428194.2013.877135.

      Dakhil S, Hermann R, Schreeder MT, et al. Phase III safety study of rituximab administered as a 90-minute infusion in patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell and follicular lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2014;55(10):2335-2340. doi:10.3109/10428194.2013.877135.

    • Marcus R, Imrie K, Belch A, et al. CVP chemotherapy plus rituximab compared with CVP as first-line treatment for advanced follicular lymphoma. Blood. 2005;105:1417-1423.

      Marcus R, Imrie K, Belch A, et al. CVP chemotherapy plus rituximab compared with CVP as first-line treatment for advanced follicular lymphoma. Blood. 2005;105:1417-1423.

    • Feugier P, Van Hoof A, Sebban C, et al. Long-term results of the R-CHOP study in the treatment of elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a study by the Groupe d’Etude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:4117-4126.

      Feugier P, Van Hoof A, Sebban C, et al. Long-term results of the R-CHOP study in the treatment of elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a study by the Groupe d’Etude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:4117-4126.

    • Piro LD, White CA, Grillo-López AJ, et al. Extended rituximab (anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody) therapy for relapsed or refractory low-grade or follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ann Oncol. 1999;10:655-661.

      Piro LD, White CA, Grillo-López AJ, et al. Extended rituximab (anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody) therapy for relapsed or refractory low-grade or follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ann Oncol. 1999;10:655-661.

    • Davis TA, Grillo-López AJ, White CA, et al. Rituximab anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: safety and efficacy of retreatment. J Clin Oncol. 2000;18:3135-3143.

      Davis TA, Grillo-López AJ, White CA, et al. Rituximab anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: safety and efficacy of retreatment. J Clin Oncol. 2000;18:3135-3143.

    • MMIT Analysis.

      MMIT Analysis.

    • IQVIA Plantrak Corticosteroid Data.

      IQVIA Plantrak Corticosteroid Data.

    • HLI lives database.

      HLI lives database.

    • Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia V.4.2019. © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Accessed October 21, 2020. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to

      Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia V.4.2019. © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Accessed October 21, 2020. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to

    • Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma V.1.2019. © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Accessed October 21, 2020. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to

      Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma V.1.2019. © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Accessed October 21, 2020. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to